Sunday, April 12, 2009

Christian Oppression

Have you ever noticed how anyone carrying the name of a Christian seems to be consistenly put down and belittled? I have often heard people say things that are very disrespectful to Christians and yet claim that Christians oppress and discriminate against everyone else. One time I decided to ask if they had proof that the person they were talking down to had ever discriminated against anyone.

Their response was basically saying, it's in the Bible to hate these things. I was struck with awe and wonder at to how stupid this statement was and how anyone would follow a belief system baded around hate. However, upon studying the Bible I discovered that Christianity is about loving others. Perhaps not agreeing with their actions, but loving the person despite the actions. A sort of unconditional love if you will.

The Bible is essentially a guideline on how to live life and enjoy it without destroying your own body in the process. It teaches how to be wholesome and healthy and how to deal with people. In addition, most of the instructions given are simplified into very simple rules to follow that barely even affect your day to day life while at the same time impacting the way you see things greatly.

So what is the point of all this chatter? To sum up, I think people pick on Christians because of the negative stereotype associated with them based on people who were not properly adhering to what is said in the Bible. So I think we should all take a healthy dose of Christianity and love the people, but not the actions and show a little forgiveness for each other.