Monday, May 18, 2009

Dear Blog

I suck at keeping a blog. Furthurmore, I like chocolate chip cookies.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Christian Oppression

Have you ever noticed how anyone carrying the name of a Christian seems to be consistenly put down and belittled? I have often heard people say things that are very disrespectful to Christians and yet claim that Christians oppress and discriminate against everyone else. One time I decided to ask if they had proof that the person they were talking down to had ever discriminated against anyone.

Their response was basically saying, it's in the Bible to hate these things. I was struck with awe and wonder at to how stupid this statement was and how anyone would follow a belief system baded around hate. However, upon studying the Bible I discovered that Christianity is about loving others. Perhaps not agreeing with their actions, but loving the person despite the actions. A sort of unconditional love if you will.

The Bible is essentially a guideline on how to live life and enjoy it without destroying your own body in the process. It teaches how to be wholesome and healthy and how to deal with people. In addition, most of the instructions given are simplified into very simple rules to follow that barely even affect your day to day life while at the same time impacting the way you see things greatly.

So what is the point of all this chatter? To sum up, I think people pick on Christians because of the negative stereotype associated with them based on people who were not properly adhering to what is said in the Bible. So I think we should all take a healthy dose of Christianity and love the people, but not the actions and show a little forgiveness for each other.

Monday, March 23, 2009


Rain. Defined as water that is condensed from the aqueous vapor in the atmosphere and falls to earth in drops more than 1/50 in. (0.5 mm) in diameter. It is something we all know. Some of us love it and some of us hate it. Where am I going with this? Nowhere really. I just can't think of anything else to write about. It was raining during my entire shift at work today. In addition to the melting snow it made for some very large puddles on the roads. Puddles, which I quite joyously drove through in an effort to create massive waves. About half the time succeeding.

I occasionally wonder what it would be like to exist as a drop of water. You evaporate and float up in the air to join your gaseous brethren in forming a cloud. Eventually you get a large group together and star throwing a part with loud thunderous music and lightening light effects. Then the Sky police show up and kick you out of the sky back to earth in sheets. Little do they know that you will soon evaporate again to rejoin the party in the sky. I can think of worse fates.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


You know how people say you never truly appreciate something until you go without. I am now wishing I never knew how much I appreciate my laptop. Having been without it for 2 and a half weeks I vow never to let it out of my sight again. Consequentially it laso affected my new Year's resolution of keeping a blog (One that was already very late as I started in February). I expect to have no readers as I do not advertise my writings. However, that is off the topic of computers. Hmmm, well I have little else to say that cannot be extrapolated by a clever enough person based on what I already said. I missed my laptop. I'm glad to have it back. I will use overly exaggerated context in order to fully explain how glad I am to have it back and then I will talk about something else. Thus is the process of my thoughts. Therefore, it is the process of this blog. :)

P.S. I like me.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Have you ever noticed how people like to use different languages to make normal words sound more interesting? Forgive me for the hypocritical question and allow me to explain. I was thinking about a title for a piece of writing I was starting when I realized that almost nothing I have ever written ha a normal English title. Why is that?

Why is it that we are all so fascinated by other languages when our own is such a popular language in all the other countries? Is it merely a case of the grass being greener on the other side or is there some sort of psychological trait in people that makes them forgo their own native language for other languages? Have we cheapened the use of the words in our language so much that in order to properly express ourselves we must pick words from other languages?

Discuss amongst yourselves and let me know what you think.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Ab Verbo

From the word. Words have often been used to empower or weaken. To create and destroy. To uphold and tear down. To encourage and to dishearten. I question why people should be allowed to use words so flippantly when they themsleves are so ignorant of the effects of the words the used. An ill timed word can bring much harm to one or many. Should we really allow people to continue to rape the meaning from words? Shall we sit idly by as the language we speak is debauched on a daily basis? The inevitable answer is, yes. We shall al stand by and watch as others from different areas of the continent speak with words not fully thought through. We will daily be assaulted by their linguistical ineptitude and pass them by as though nothing was wrong with them. That is the fate you have chosen.